I ask, because to me, the Bible is as believable as Harry Potter and the ... (add title here)
Not being funny, but I really don't believe in the Bible, God or Jesus!
If there was a God, or a Jesus, in my opinion, there would not be all the war, hate, cancer, sickness, poverty, murder, or premature death that there is in the world. I just don't believe there is a God or a Jesus, of whatever description, looking down on us, and letting all this happen, sitting back and watching, and not doing anything to resolve all the aformentioned issues.
Don't get me wrong, if you want to believe there is a God, or a Jesus, please do so, it's no skin off my nose, but personally I think it's a pile of smelly poo!
The God that all Christian/Catholic believers believe in, is a white male, with a big white/grey beard, and white/grey hair. An elderly man.
Santa Claus without the red outfit perhaps?
Or maybe even Dumbledore from Harry Potter?
Then there are the other Gods other religions believe to be the rightful Lord.
The Hindu God...
The Orthadox Church God...
The Indian God...
Or the Egyptian God...
...To name but a few.
There are so many different types of 'Jesus' as well. Who is to say, if there was a true Jesus, which one it would be?
Their is the one more traditionally known of in Christian/Catholic Church circles. A white man with a brown beard and moustache.
Or what about this one, with a more ethnic look?
Or many a black Jesus...
Who can honestly say what this man looked like, if he even ever existed? There is no evidence that he did, apart from a book, which claims all manner of miracles which just are not possible unless they are all fictional miracles, in the land of fantasy, where anything can happen.
Everyone thinks their God is the rightful one, yet who is to say who really is God? Maybe there isn't a God after all? Maybe it was just all a story, moral codes, written by a family of people, to entice their children into growing up to be good wholesome people, and not horrible 'evil' people, as are those who 'break the codes of the 10 Commandments'?
You could look at the Bible, as all the Harry Potter stories put together. Ie, Jesus is Harry Potter, God is Dumbledore. The Disciples are all Harry's friends, family, and 'Dumbledores Army/Order of the Phoenix' members, and the non believers are the Muggles. Then you have the devil of the story, which is Voldermort, and his disciples, the Death Eaters. Ok so the plots are different, but then we are talking a good 2000 years later, and times have changed!!!
It sounds like rubbish to those who don't believe, but think about it, why not? The Bible is as ficticious as Harry Potter in my opinion, only more kids are interested in Harry Potter these days than in the Bible. More kids all over the world believe more in the stories of Harry Potter, than they would the Bible stories, so why not just make the Harry Potter stories the new Bible. At least Harry and Dumbledore's appearances won't differ all over the world. Like the Bible, these characters are all ficticious, yet unlike the Bible, they're more enjoyable to read about!!!
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