The first show I saw Gordon Ramsay in, was 'Hells Kitchen' UK. Prior to that, i'd not seen his tv debute, to my knowledge.
Like millions of other viewers who watched that first series of HK, I was hooked. I loved the humour, the fast pace, his honesty, and the competition in general. The swearing at the time really didn't bother me at all, because it was fresh. You never saw someone to television swearing so much, especially at other celebrities, who just stood there and took it. It was brilliant!
Being a fan of reality television, this became one of my favourite shows.
Of course, in the end, he left, as the show wasn't going the way he wanted it to go, ie he wanted wannabe chefs in there, not celebrities, so he moved the show to America, where he got to do the type of show he craved.
Since then, he's also done 'Kitchen Nightmares', which is different to HK, but also a great show.
I do wonder though, whether the whole Gordon Ramsay 'fad' has been overplayed now.
Over the last few weeks, on and off, i've been watching 'The F Word'.
At the beginning, I quite enjoyed this show, but as time has gone by, it's become incredibly annoying.
1. What is this incessant need to jump around all the time? It's like the guy is wearing springs in his shoes. He never stands still anymore. He never used to be like that, it's so bloody annoying.
2. What's with the constant hand clapping? He might as well be in a cheesy audience of some crap BBC show, with all the clapping he's doing.
3. I'm not sure if i'm the only person who is pissed off with this, but his fucking swearing is doing my fucking head in. Why does he need to fucking swear all the time? It's so out of order. I hate it! I never minded it before, but it's so old hat now, can;t he just shut the fuck up with the swearing, and put his point across without swearing all the time? I know that's partly why it's called 'The F Word', but come on, why can't the 'F' just mean FOOD, and not FUCK as well?????
4. And I know this has caused controversy lately, but do we really need to hear or see animals being slaughtered for his menu? I really didn't like the whole 'David and Elton' thing, with the calfs, and earlier shows where they showed the animals live, then (I presume) dead afterwards. I have no idea whether they showed the actual death of these animals, because as soon as it got to the section of the programme where the slaughter was about to happen, I turned over to watch something else. There is no need for this on television. he might get a thrill out of it, but how many of us do? Don't get me wrong, i'm not a vegetarian, far from it, I love my meat, but I don't wish to see it being slaughtered on television, that's just wrong and cruel. Millions of people eat meat, but i'd say a large percentage of us don't wish to see our dinner slaughtered in front of us. Am I wrong? I don't think so! And don't even get me started on the Puffins. Those are such beautiful creatures. As soon as he said he was gonna kill one, over I went to watch something else. I heard today they actually showed him killing it. I hope i'm wrong. If i'm not, then that's out of order, completely. I'm so against that!
5. Why is it, that he feels he has to leave out words when he's describing how to cook a dish? I really hate that!
I'm Gordon Ramsay, and this is how to make a cup of tea!
Kettle.... Water.... Boil.... Teapot.... Hot Water.... Swirl.... Empty.... Teabags.... Teapot.... Kettle.... Pour.... Teapot.... Lid.... Cosy.... Sit.... Teacup.... Kettle.... Pour.... Milk.... Sugar.... Stur.... Serve.... DONE!
Now how bloody anoying was that? Was there any need for it? No! So why do it?
Being an avid book reader, I did enjoy his first book 'Humble Pie' Apart from the constant swearing, I found it really interesting, in learning about Gordon's upbringing, and how he became successful etc. A really good read.

I've recently started reading his second book, 'Playing With Fire'. It's equally full of swearing, and I have to say, pretty boring to be honest. I'm on about chapter 7 right now, and it's really not getting much more interesting, but i'm never one to let a book go without finishing it (apart from Stephen Fryu's book, something about a Washpot, which was so boring, I died and had to be brought back to life under careful supervision of my loved ones (ok so that was a huge exaggeration, but you get my drift).

Anyway, that's my thoughts on 'The F Word'. Total tripe, and I won't be watching it again in the future.
I heard while he was trying to catch the Puffins, he slipped off the rocks, and hit the water below. Unfortunately there will be another series (no doubt) which he'll be heading. Better luck next time I guess!!!!
If you wanna know what i'm talking about regarding the Puffins and the accident over the cliff, CLICK ME
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