Personally, I love BB. I'm a HUGE fan! I love watching the new people come in, and looking at them all, thinking 'No, I don't like them, this year will be boring', then as things progress, watching their different personalities come out, and one minute liking someone, the next hating them again lol.
So, i've decided to run down my thoughts of each of this years housemates. No doubt many won't agree, but I don't really care lol.

What a cow this woman was! Such a bully, and so up herself. A truly nasty piece of work! I'm so glad she was booted, but it should have been earlier rather than later! BB really shouldn't give people second chances if there is no evidence to prove this person is going to change, and there was obviously no signs that this person was ever going to change, because of her continuous behaviour right upto when she was first warned! I wonder whether BB will ever learn, as this sort of behaviour from THEM, is the reason many criticize the show!

What an unbearable woman! This woman can't sing, AT ALL! She sings out of tune, and that constant 'Blues' crap, for fuck's sake, give me a sick bag! Everytime she started singing, i'd be doing a Mikey (putting my fingers in my ears). I loved it when she went, such a bloody relief!

I think it's fair to say, that this housemate is one of the hunkiest housemates EVER! OMG, what a dish! I mean, I know i'm gay and everything, but jesus, he'd turn me lol. He is soooooooooo attractive, I swear, this guy has a serious future in modelling. I hope he does have a future with Jennifer, cause they look GREAT together!

I love that pic lol. When this guy went in, I though 'I like him, he seems cool, fun, bubbly, entertaining', and there is no denying, he has been, with his songs, and his fun personality. However, he's such a moody sod aint he? I mean, talk about screwed up! He loves Sara, but he's so jealous of her nature, and that she doesn't pay him the attention he wants from her, that he becomes this arrogent, nasty piece of work, so bullies her like a love sick schoolboy, making her cry for fuck's sake, all because he can't have things his way! This guy needs some form of counselling. I feel sorry for him, very immature behaviour. For that reason, I don't want him to win!

A bit of a drama queen, this guy. He had his good moments, and it's always nice to have an animated gay guy in the house, but he was also a right butch queen with it, and when he spat at Mohamed (even though i'm not keen on Mo, that was it for us all I think. I mean, how grose, and immature was that? Talk about a childish bully. I wonder if him and Alexandra will be best mates, lol.

There is always one or two housemates, that no one really remembers much about. They're usually pretty basic, average looking, and don't really do much in the house. Unfortunately, Jennifer was one of those people. Really nice girl, and I hope she has a future with Dale, but she didn't really make an impression within the house this year. Such a shame. This picture fiasco was good though, with Rex spoiling her picture. Wrong of him to do it, but it was like the only memorable part of her stay there to be honest!

This woman has some serious issues! She has the mentality of a child. She wants everything to be happy, disney like, and all 'peace on earth'. She needs a reality check! I've never seen someone so emotionally disturbed as she is. She's so sensitive. I would have thought her being in the house, would have made her a stronger person, but it just seems to have made her worse. Fuck knows how she's gonna cope when she leaves, especially if she's booed lol. She's so gullible!

I've never seen a housemate, who's face just doesn't move! It bugged me for weeks, as to what is was about her face that was annoying me. Then I found out she has had those injections in her face to freeze lines etc. No wonder she's expressionless. She has these piercing eyes, and this enigmatic smile. She seems so fake. Saying 'thank you' in a non-thanking way, and pretending she's happy to be evicted, when she clearly wasn't happy, throwing her arms in the air shouting 'yes', was so bloody false. She goes on about complete bullshit all the time, little green men, galloping horses, and thinks she's so unbelievably attractive, and has a HUGE ego, and probably thought she'd win the show, although she tried to give off the impression she didn't want to, and wasn't fussed! Such a fake person!

I actually like Luke. I wouldn't have minded if he won. He seems such a nice guy, and so genuine, with a heart of gold. I wasn't happy when he was evicted, such a shame, but at least he's found love in Rebecca, and I hope it lasts.

What a prat! Biggest egotistical prat i've ever seen! He's perfectly suited to Lisa, they're a match made in heaven, both think they're something they are not! Does she know he's bisexual? I've seen him dancing in Nightingales, Birmingham, trying it on with guys, and Lisa was nowhere to be seen! he bigs himself up all the time, making out he cares for people, and he's a manager of people, but he couldn't manage himself out of a paper bag!

A very attractive woman, and she seemed like a fun housemate. But like Jennifer, she was the sort of person who melted into the background, and won't really be remembered for much.

He's somewhat a gullible character. He loved Mario, not realising what he was really like, when everyone else could see what the guy was like. He's a nice guy though, and says his piece, which is great. he tells it how he sees it, and doesn't hold back, and that's a great characteristic to have. We share something in common there! I wouldn't want him to win though, I just feel he's worthy of the title.

I have mixed feelings about this guy. He seems like a fun guy, and friendly, but he's also bloody greedy and selfish. He's had some rough times in the house, and a lot of stick, but on the other side of the coin, he's brought a lot of it on himself, and he's such a greedy and lazy bloke. That's why he's a loved, yet hated character in the house, and why he's still there.

What a cow! Nasty piece of work! How nasty was she to everyone? Especially Mikey!! No wonder she got something like 94% of the votes to be evicted. Mind you, look at her partner! No wonder she's such a bitch, Rex has rubbed off on her! The only good bit about her time in the house, was the Thriller task, ie the end result, NOT the 'making of' part!

I've never known anyone so disney like as Rachel. She is so much like Snow White. Can't you see the birds flying around her, and the rabbits and deer jumping around her feet? Or is it just me? She's so happy all the time, and there doesn't seem to be a horrible bone in her body. She comes across as such a genuine, nice person, and unlike other housemates, it just doesn't seem fake with her. I hope she either is one of the last out, or wins, cause I feel she deserves it. I genuinely like her!

When she first appeared, I didn't like her! I was embarrassed for Coventry! She just screamed at EVERYTHING and was just so over excited, it was sickening. But when Luke fell for her, and you could see things developing there, I started to like her. I do hope things work out for them, cause he's such a nice guy, and they both deserve happiness. I hope she doesn't hurt him.

This guy is such a wannabe Gordon Ramsay! He thinks he's the biggest thing in restaurants, but he's not! He's such a chauvinistic pig, and it's so sad to think there are still men around like that. yeah, ok, so he can cook, but it doesn't mean he has to treat women the way he does! I hope he doesn't win!

A very attractive young lady, and she seems like such a nice person too. I think she's played Darnell a little bit, and i'm not sure if she's serious about her feelings towards him now, or if she's just playing him still, because she's feeling low and lonely. Only time will tell. If she is using him and playing him, then it's gonna make him far worse than he was towards her recently. She comes across really cool though, and I hope she is one of the ones who gets to the top 3, or even wins.

I feel so sorry for this housemate. She lasted like a week in the house, and it wasn't even her fault, it was all down to her, Mario, Lisa and Luke failing the first task of the show. I think they should have given her the opportunity to go back into the house, or even had a secret house this year where she could have gone, giving her a chance still, but alas no.

Another hunk, and one of the hottest guys ever in the house. Such a nice guy too, and he wears his heart on his sleeve, and seems such a nice, kind, loving guy, and a great dad. It was such a shame when he left, but considering he was up against Dale, it was a tough call.

This one was a bit of a trouble maker. The moment poor Stuart entered the house, she was like a flies round shit! She wouldn't leave him alone, flirting like no-one's business, it was sickening! She was also very much like Alexandra, but not as nasty. It was a good day when she was evicted!
So, to summerise, my favourite housemates this year are Luke, Sara, Stuart, Dale and Rachel, and I hope either Sara or rachel wins!
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