Tonight I sat down, after Eastenders, and watched the bio on Wendy Richard. She wanted to do this bio, about her fight to survive her cancer, etc, prior to her death, and had a crew documenting her last few weeks prior to her passing away.
I was fine during the programme, until it got to the end, and she passed away.
That was it, flood gates were opened, and it took a good 10 minutes of hysterical sobbing before I could stop. Even Bonny (my eldest cat) was looking at me from the sofa, wondering what the fuck was going on, while Polly slept on soundly by the pc monitor lol.
It's good to cry, but I have to say, I felt pretty low afterwards, and I don't know why. Strange ah?
I still feel really sad that she's gone. I guess part of my problem, is that she reminds me a lot of my mum, and although mum isn't dead, or thankfully (as far as I know) not suffering from cancer (that was dad earlier this year, and hopefully never again, thanks to the hospital, chemo and ops) I still associate Wendy with my mum, in her looks (mainly on EE, her dirty and pissed off looks lol) and her inner and character strength, and mannerisms (don't tell mum, she'd be highly insulted me thinks lol).
That's the 3rd time i've cried over the death of Wendy Richard to date. Twice on the day she passed away (once during the news, when I heard, and the second time during and after the docu that night on her life, after Eastenders) and now once today, after this second docu on her fight to survive.
God i'm such an old softee lol.
I am still saddened by her passing, and truly believe we have lost such a great lady, and actress.
Rest in peace Wendy, you're truly missed xxx
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