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    Tuesday, 13 March 2012

    Paedophile Rant

    This is a post i've wanted to write for sometime, so here goes...

    People seem to think Paedophiles have only been more prevelent in the last 30-40 years or so. They're wrong!

    If you think about it, we are a nation now who are more likely to open up and talk than we ever used to be. Paedophiles have always existed, exactly the same as gay people have always existed. I'm not putting the two in the same category here, let me add, i'm using gay peple as an example, being one myself.

    Gay people have only started coming out the closet in the last 30-40 years, moreso nowadays because society has changed and is more accepting of us. Prior to this, society wouldn't allow us to come out, because we were seen as disgusting and evil.

    Paedophiles have remained hidden from society unless caught, and the only way they're ever caught is if they're physically caught by others (seen, caught in the act) and/or the victims of these people have come forward. These days those victims are more likely to come forward, because society allows it moreso without prejudice, which is why every other week we're hearing more stories of Paedophiles on the news and in the media, caught now, even though the crimes took place over 20 years ago. This is because only now those children, now adults, feel able to come forward. This is good news, the more comfortable these victims feel to tell their story, the more accepting we make them feel to be able to stand up and say they were a victim (and still are, because they've remained hidden for so long) the more Paedophiles we can imprison and get on that register.

    But what good is prison to a Paedophile? They'll serve on average 3 years inside (on your basic charge), coming out with a tag for a while, a probation officer, and put on the sex offenders register. And? What good is that? Does it stop them doing it? No! Does it stop them fantasising about kids, wanting to do things to them, looking at kids and being aroused? NO!

    Think about it this way. You, the reader, like a certain type of person. Let's just say, for instance, you are a straight woman, and you enjoy the company of a straight man. He does it for you, he hits all your buttons, he is your type, always has been, always will be. Then let's say a court of law has told you that liking men is against the law, and you're no longer allowed to like men anymore, not allowed to sleep with men, fantasise about men, want men, need men, be aroused by men etc etc etc. Is that going to stop you? Would you ever be able to never even think sexually about men ever again? Can you honestly say yes?

    These people, these Paedophiles are being put back into our community again every day. We're surrounded by them. No matter how nice they are, how friendly, they're still sexual preditors of children, they still have that attraction to children, they still have that capability of harming them, no matter how long they've spent inside and how remorseful they say they are.

    I have been unfortunate in my 38 years of life to know two Paedophiles. I hate that I knew them. Personally, I wish they were both dead. They are nothing but scum, who have harmed and sexually abused children for many years, had their prison sentances, served their time, but I for one do not believe for one second that that means they're changed people, that they're healed, better, able to carry on living without ever having a single sexual thought about a child ever again.

    Life would be easier, I believe, if Paedophiles were locked up for life. If children and parents didn't have to live in fear of living next door to a Paedophile, taking their kid to school, or a club, or even to the park or shop, and their kid being involved with one. Paedophiles tend to choose careers that puts them in close proximity to children, such as teaching, preaching, after school clubs, cubs, brownies, or other such child friendly roles.

    Half the battle is that Paedophiles, unlike gay people, won't come out the closet. You don't know someone is a Paedophile because they don't tell you. The only time you know someone is a Paedophile is when they're caught, or if a child comes forward and tells you they've been sexually abused by one. Before that happens, the Paedophile is living happily in their role in society, hidden from the eyes of the law, able to fantasise, befriend, and abuse kids. Who knows how many Paedophiles are out there, hidden under the radar, working in our communities, with our kids! It's a scary thought.

    I saw a programme years ago, a documentary starring John Barrowman, looking into whether we're born gay, whether it's in our genes. During this documentary, he was put in a room in America, in a research facility, where he was covered in sensors all over his body, and shown sexual images of both gay and straight scenes. The premise of this experiment was to see which images got him sexually aroused. The gay images did that, proving that he was a gay man.

    Why can't the same principle be used to discover whether someone is a Paedophile or not? A CRB check only checks that someone doesn't have a previous conviction, which is no good to us for a Paedophile who is hidden under the radar, as they have yet to offend. This system could be used for all existing adults working with children, as well as all prospective employees and volunteers. The cost of this would be huge, but at the end of the day, saving the lives of so many children would completely outweigh that cost!

    Maybe this is the future. Will it ever happen? Unlikely. Will Paedophiles ever stop sexually abusing our children? No! Will they ever be cured? Not bloody likely! So why can't we just build a massive prison somewhere, and lock the fuckers up for life? And oh while we're at it, castrate them too (the male ones obviously)! That wouldn't stop them though!

    One thing I will say, i'm sick of hearing gays and Paedophiles being tarred with the same brush. Paedophiles and gays are not the same thing. A Paedophile can be a gay or straight man or woman. Not all Paedophiles are gay, and only a very small portion of gays are Paedophiles. In fairness, there are more straight Paedophiles out there than there are gay Paedophiles, so the church needs to get their facts right, and stop blaming us! It's not a case of another gay Paedophile who happened to wor for the church is caught, It's more of another Paedophile church employee is caught, who just happens to be gay. We're done nothing wrong, just because we're gay. It's the church that keeps employing Paedophiles, and giving them the power to abuse kids!

    That's my rant over anyway, i'm sure some won't agree with me, but I don't partiularly care, these are my thoughts, and i'm entitled to them!

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