Why are people still Homophobic?
Personally, I dispise any form of hatred towards others. Homophobia hurts me personally though, whereas the others hurt me but not as much as this one.
If you saw a Goth/Emo in the street, would you openly abuse them because they choose to wear black clothes and make-up, and pierce themselves?
If you saw a Punk in the street, would you abuse them because they choose to wear outlandish clothing and hair styles?
If you saw a Rastafarian in the street, would you abuse them because they choose to wear the colours of their country, and have their hair in dreadlocks?
So why then, do people STILL, even to this day, abuse openly gay and lesbian people?
The amount of times me and my partner have walked around Birmingham, and have had abuse shouted at us for holding hands. HOLDING HANDS FOR FUCK SAKE!!! What's the big deal in that? Yet it still happens, we still get abuse for it. When are people going to accept that if it's ok for a straight couple to hold hands, why can't it be ok for a gay couple?
People forget we're in 2007 (almost 2008). We're not living in the 15th Century, so why are they still like this? They're not like it to any other culture, not openly in the city anyway, so why the gay culture?
Some say people who are Homophobic, are actually gay or bi themselves, but too ashamed to come out, or too scared of their feelings, hence why they're Homophobic, as a way of detaching themselves from what they fear, what they don't want to admit of themslves, so they show hatred towards Homosexuals, because they hate themselves for being Homosexual, even though they can't admit it. It's like a war in their minds.
I remember the day I came out to my parents that I was gay. I had been taunting my brother for ages, saying he was gay, and why doesn't he just admit it. He wasn't/isn't of course, but I was, and I was too scared to admit it, so I did it this way instead. It culminated in a huge row with my parents, where my dad screamed at me that my brother wasn't gay, for which I screamed back that I knew he wasn't, but that I was. It was very similar to the Eastenders episode 'You're not my mother, yes I am', but about 10 years earlier lol. After hearing my mum saying I wasn't her daughter (the shock of it, that obviously later changed) things were ok after a couple of years, and they accept me now, but it was hard then. Coming out was such a relief, as anyone would tell you. It's like a huge weight being lifted, and when you finally do it, even though it's really hard, you feel so much better for it in the end.
Those who battle with their own feelings of being gay, who hate themselves for being that way, show that hatred by being Homophobic towards the gay community. 'I hate you because I hate myself for being you'.
Of course this isn't all Homophobics. There are some who are just uneducated, and don't realise that everyone is equal, no matter who you sleep with, or what you get upto in the bedroom (unless it's children or animals) then you're as normal as everyone else, therefore should be treated as such, and not be abused etc.
I just wish the torments, abuse and Homophobia would end. It makes me so angry. Just because someone looks, dresses, or acts different from the 'norm', doesn't make them weird, doesn't give you the right to abuse them, taunt them, attack them or laugh at them etc. If everyone was the same, this would be such a boring world.
We don't choose to be gay, we're born that way!
Accept us for who we are, stop the abuse, let us live in harmony and peace, as you wish to live. We don't abuse you for being straight, so don't abuse us for being gay!!!
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