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    Wednesday, 11 February 2009

    My Thoughts On... Paul Burrell and his secret

    A few weeks ago, there was a television programme on Channel 4, entitled 'Paul Burrell - What Really Happened'. This programme brought forward certain questions regarding Paul Burrell, and The Royal Family.

    As most people know, Paul Burrell was Princess Diana's butler.

    At the inquest regarding Diana's death, it came to light by The Sun Newspaper, that Burrell knew more than he was letting on, but refused to say what it was that he knew.

    Paul Burrell - Diana Inquest - The Sun News Story

    He lied at the hearing, he held information back, but what was the information in relation to?
    Was it about Diana's death? Was it secrets about The Royal Family?

    I'm writing this entry, to pose these questions, and to collate my own thoughts on the subject, which, I have to say, after watching that documentary, has fascinated me.

    First of all, I think it's blatantly clear that Burrell is gay! He refuses to admit this, God only knows why! When I saw him on 'I'm a celebrity' a few years ago, it was so obvious, but yet he still insistent he was straight!

    During the programme, we were introduced to one of his ex partners, a guy called Greg Pead.

    Greg had numerous love letters, which were written to him by Burrell, over their 3 year relationship, telling him how much Burrell loved him, and wanted to marry him, etc. These were shown on camera, in Burrell's handwriting. Yet still, Burrell states he's straight, and not only that, that he doesn't even know Greg.

    During this relationship, an incident happened on the Royal Yacht Britannia, in March 1981, where there was a gay orgy, involving 11 men, and because of it, Burrell feared he would be sacked.

    Why? Was he involved? Why else would he have feared being sacked if he wasn't involved in this gay orgy?

    The Queen decided though, and reinstated him, saving him from being sacked. Why? He was just one of the crew, one of the staff, he wasn't even Diana's butler at this point, so why was he so important? What did he know? What did he have over The Queen, to persuade her, that only he, but not the rest of the men, should remain on her staff?

    Then Burrell got married to a woman called Maria. Why? Is he bi? I doubt it. After the incident on the Britannia, maybe he decided to start up a relationship with a woman, to cover up his true sexuality?!

    Yes, he had two boys by Maria, but then how many men have relationships with women, and kids, to hide their true sexuality? Too many! Is he really that ashamed of his sexuality? He seriously needs to just come out of the closet once and for all! He is a sorry excuse for a man, by hiding his truth. Does the guy ever tell the truth about anything?

    Anyway, moving on...

    So then he stole 342 items from Diana, after she passed away. Why? What was in that lot, that was so important to hold onto?

    Then he went on trial, to fight against potentially being sent down for theft.

    3 week's prior to the trial date, Burrell got an agent. Why? What was on his mind, that made him believe he'd get off, and need an agent to help him with his busy schedule once he had got off, ie television interviews, newspaper and magazine deals, book deals, etc?

    What did he have, what did he know, that made him believe he'd get off?

    Then suddenly, on the last day of the trial, The Queen suddenly remembers a conversation she had with Burrell a few years earlier, and turns up to state that he was given permission to take the goods, and he shouldn't be sent down.

    What did he have on The Queen, and/or the Royal Family, that he could use to secure his safe passage away from prison?

    It came about, that within the contents of the 342 items Burrell had taken, belonging to Diana, was a tape of a conversation Diana had had, with another long standing member of the Royal staff, a butler called George Smith.

    George Smith claimed in 1989, that he was raped by a male member of the Royal Family. He never reported it, because he was scared of losing his job. He got so depressed by what had happened, that he ended up in the Priory Hospital.

    Years later, Diana turned up at the hospital, and interviewed George, hence making the tape.
    Diana apparently told Burrell about the tape.

    Do dots start forming into patterns here?

    1. Burrell is gay

    2. Burrell was involved in the gay orgy incident on the Royal Yacht Britannia

    3. Burrell knew who else was involved in that incident

    4. The Queen knew that Burrell knew this information, so Burrell could use his knowledge to his advantage

    5. The Queen let him keep his job, after the Britannia incident, for fear this information would be released by Burrell, causing shame and humiliation onto The Royal Family

    6. When Burrell was up against the courts over the items taken from Diana's home, yet again The Queen stepped in at the last minute, and allowed him to go free

    Is this all because Burrell has something HUGE on The Royal Family, ie that a male member of the Royal Family is gay, and he knows who it is, so the only way The Queen can be assured for certain that her family is safe from the humiliation of this information ever being released, is to keep Burrell safe and well, and financially secure, so that he doesn't ever feel the need to use this information? Ie blackmail against The Royal Family?

    What other conclusions can be made from all this information?

    Even if he doesn't have the tape, he still has the knowledge, but without the tape, his information could be excused as 'he said/she said' stuff. This is why the tape is vitally important to Burrell, because without it, he doesn't have much of a leg to stand on, especially after George Smith passes away.

    And how many tapes are there? Has he copied it numerous times, and given it to numerous people, in a sort of 'if I should die, send this tape to so and so' security blanket? And how many people has he told his secret to?

    Because of the Sun Newspaper story and evidence, relating to his secret, and not telling the court the whole truth, he had to leave England, and move to America.

    Was this The Queen's doing? Get him out of the Country, pay him off, make him move to America, get him away from us?

    Will we ever truly know this secret? Possibly not, but we'll always be guessing. Or maybe we already know, but like Burrell's sexuality, what we know may never actually be confirmed!

    Scandal Engulfs The Royals - Really interesting news story about a lot of what i've talked about above!

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