I learned today, about a young lady, who, quite fair and squarely, won the 800 Metre race at the World Athletics Championships the other day, winning gold for her Country, South Africa, and then for the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) board to question her gender, because she looks manly, and has a high male hormone count.
I have to say, I am furious by this!
Just because she looks manly, is no reason to suddenly question her winning gold!
She would have had to go through trials to get to the Championships, and would have gone through a number of tests and medicals, and nothing was mentioned prior to her winning the race. Yet as soon as she wins, then all of a sudden the suspicians come flying out of the woodwork!
I bet you if she hadn't have won, none of this would have come up!
I think they're just jealous, cause she stormed the race, and beat the other athletes by a good 2 seconds.
So what if she looks bloody manly! How many women out there, athletes, look manly, yet never get questioned?

Yes she has a high male hormone count, but there could be a genuine medical reason for that.
It could also be, that maybe she has both sets of genitals, male and female, commonly known as an Hermaphrodite.
Or she may not have been born with no genitals whatsoever, known as Intersexual.
Whatever the reason for it, I truly hope that she has at least 51% female hormones, so she can stick her finger up at those genderphobic bastards on the board and say 'yes, i'm a woman, and I won the race fair and square, now leave me the fuck alone!'
For the full story, click HERE
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