The First Doctor
William Hartnell (I remember him on the repeats, as it was in black and white, although I wasn't born when he was the Doctor)

The Second Doctor
Patrick Troughton (I remember him again from repeats, but moreso as he was in The Omen, a particular favourite movie of mine)

The Third Doctor
Jon Pertwee (Again, I remember him from repeats, and moreso as Worzel Gummidge)

The Fourth Doctor
Tom Baker (I was born in 1974, so remember him being the first Doctor I saw. He's probably more famous now though, for being the 'Little Britain' voice.

The Fifth Doctor
Peter Davison (He was in a tv show at the time, 'All Creatures Great and Small' before he became the Doctor. My mum also fancied him lol)
1982-1984 and again in 2008 for one episode

The Sixth Doctor
Colin Baker (I believe he is the least remembered Doctor, and he wasn't very good either)

The Seventh Doctor
Sylvester McCoy (The longest running Doctor, to date, and my favourite Doctor as well)

The Eighth Doctor
Paul McGann (He's the Doctor the real fans tend to not acknowledge as being the Doctor, as he only appeared in a 'movie' as him, and not in the series)

The Ninth Doctor
Christopher Eccleston (I remember him for his role in one of my favourite movies '28 Days Later'.)

David Tennant (I remember him from one of the Harry Potter movies, Goblet of Fire' before he became the Doctor. He's really good, but I feel overdoes it sometimes with the shouting etc)
2005 -Present
Personally I still think Sylvester McCoy was the best Doctor, and David Tennant is the second best, but most of the population of fans who remember the original series would SOOOOOOO disagree with me, and say Tom Baker was the best. I disagree with this opinion, but we're all entitled to our own opinions. If we all agreed with the majority, the world would be a boring place to live!!!
Doctor Who is still as addictive as it used to be in the old days, and I hope it will continue to run for many years to come.
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