In my opinion, if someone is without a doubt found guilty, 100%, without ANY doubt whatsoever, in a court of law, of any hanus crime, such as rape, torture, murder, sexual abuse on children, etc, then they should be put on Death Row, and executed accordingly!
If you take a life, then why should your life be safe to continue, even if it is in a prison cell? Why are we spending millions of pounds a year on keeping these kinds of criminals in a prison cell, when they should be made to die through execution, for taking the life of an innocent human being? I just don't get it.
36 states out of 50 in USA have the Death Penalty. I believe they have the right idea!
We used to have the Death Penalty here, until 1965. Abolishing it, in my opinion, was a bad mistake!!!
People like Fred West and Rosemary West, Dennis Nilsen, Peter Sutcliffe, and Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, to name but a few, who all savagely raped and murdered men, women and children, should have all been made to suffer death by execution, instead of being allowed to live out their lives in the comfort of a prison cell, with hot food, heating, television, music, hot running water, and oxygen! Okay, so Fred West committed suicide, and no doubt some of the others have attempted suicide during their stay in prison also, but being made to life their remaining years in prison, instead of having their lives cut short by the hangman (or whatever method was chosen) just isn't fair on those they raped and murdered, their families and friends, and those who's live's have been affected by their actions.
Now, don't get me wrong, and I do feel i'm not contradicting myself here by saying this, but those who have obvious mental problems/illnesses, like Schizophrenia, Psychosis, etc, and those who are mentally handicapped should NOT be put on death row, but placed for life in a mental institution.
In my opinion, and in the opinion of thousands of other people, this is what should have happened to the American mass murderer Aileen Wuornos, but alas she was executed in 2002.
The Loch Ness Monster

The infamous Loch Ness Monster was first 'sighted' back in the 7th Century by St. Columba. Since then it's been 'sighted' in 1871, and more famously in 1933, when this photo was taken. The again in 1943, the 1950's, 60's, and so on.
There has always been, and will always be controversy over the Loch Ness Monster. People will always be wondering whether it's real or not, but to me, it is real, it's not a myth, but a real living creature, and that belief makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside lol. (sad but true)
Area 51 - Life on other planets
How is it possible, that we, Earth, can sit in a Galaxy, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of other galaxies, and be the only planet out of millions that has life on it?
It's impossible!
Therefore, WE ARE NOT ALONE!
Have we had visitors? Have aliens visited our planet? Landed here? Of course they have!
Does Area 51 house secrets of these landings, and potentially alien life forms, crafts etc? Of course they do!
Are aliens living with us right now? Do they walk with us on this planet? Scary thought, but it could happen!
But to anyone who honestly believes we are alone, and that there cannot be life out there, you need your head examined!!!

Each of those dots is a Galaxy, and each Galaxy can house hundreds of planets and moons.
It's like looking at a green lawn and not expecting to see a single ant or creepy crawly. As if!
Ghosts and the Afterlife (click link)
God/Jesus is just a story - It didn't actually happen! (click link)
The British Royal Family - A waste of space!

They're here for publicity yet they're the most expensive theme park we have, and you can't ride them!!! (would you want to though? Ewwww)
I've copied this from Wikipedia...
Monies to support the Queen in the exercise of her duties as head of state of the United Kingdom (the Head of State Expenditure) come from the Civil List. This is a return of a small portion of the revenue from the Crown Lands that are surrendered by the monarch to parliament at the beginning of each reign; all Crown Land being administered by The Crown Estates, an institution that is answerable to parliament. In the 2003-04 fiscal year, the amount surrendered was £176.9 million, where the Head of State Expenditure was £36 million. The Head of State Expenditure does not include the cost of security.
Only the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh receive funding from the Civil List. The Duke receives £359,000 per year.
Only some members of the Royal Family carry out public duties; these individuals receive an annual payment known as a Parliamentary Annuity, the funds being supplied to cover office costs.
The Duke of York: £249,000 per annum
The Earl and Countess of Wessex: £141,000 per annum
The Princess Royal: £228,000 per annum
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester: £175,000 per annum
The Duke and Duchess of Kent: £236,000 per annum
Princess Alexandra £225,000 per annum
These amounts are repaid by The Queen from her private funds.
Though always voluntarily subject to the Value Added Tax and other indirect taxes, the Queen agreed to pay taxes on income and capital gains from 1992, although the details of this arrangement are both voluntary and secret. At the same time it was announced that only the Queen and Prince Philip would receive civil list payments. Since 1993 the Queen's personal income has been taxed as any other Briton. The Queen's private estate (eg shareholdings, personal jewellery, Sandringham House and Balmoral Castle) will be subject to Inheritance Tax, however bequests from Sovereign to Sovereign are exempt. [3
All that money could be used to help the NHS, or to help with the homeless etc. Millions of people are living on the streets, while we're paying our taxes towards this one family, making sure they're having their holidays, their expensive cars and houses, expensive jewellery, and extravagant weddings and parties. It's fucking wrong, and i'm sick of it!
Can't think of anymore beliefs right now, so may add to this later!!!
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