You cannot tell me that we have cures for cancer, cures for most known diseases, but no cure for the common cold? Oh please!!
In my opinion, there is, and has been a cure for the common cold for many years, but the reason why they won't release it, give it out, or sell it to the public, is MONEY!
How much money is made my pharmaceutical companies each year by selling potions, cough mixtures, syrups, tablets, etc for the common cold? BILLIONS!!
If they brought out the cure for the common cold, the amount of companies who would lose money, the industries would be in turmoil, billions would be lost, jobs would be lost, and the whole 'common cold' industry would be in ruins!
And even if they did bring out the cure, make it public, they'd probably charge a fortune for it anyway. They'd have to make their money back somehow, from the loss of all the other cold and flu remedies on the market, which wouldn't sell anymore!
Might be a mad thought to you, but I certainly believe this theory!!!
In the meantime, we'll just have to carry on drinking potions and swallowing tablets!
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